Value Structure Model of the Success Factor of ITO Transition

ITO 이행단계 성공요인에 대한 가치체계모형 연구

  • 차환주 (SK주식회사) ;
  • 김자희 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원)
  • Received : 2015.06.29
  • Accepted : 2015.11.04
  • Published : 2016.02.29


Although the demand for IT outsourcing (ITO) has increased recently because of the recent recession, concerns about business discontinuity in the transition phase cause companies to hesitate to adopt ITO. Therefore, a guideline to improve the prospects is needed. However, studies on the success factors of the transition phase in ITO are lacking. In this study, we develop an expert hierarchical value map (HVM) of the success of the transition phase in ITO by using cognition scientific methodologies. We empirically verify how success factors affect the success of the transition phase. Specifically, we derive an HVM of main stakeholders by using in-depth interviews and approaches, such as repertory grid technique (RGT) and laddering, based on means-end chain theory. We validate the success factors empirically through a bipolar analysis of RGT. Finally, we determine the most important cluster of success factors through cluster analysis.



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