Design of Rectifying Inspection Plans and Service Capacities for Multi-Products with the Fixed Costs for Products Servicing

서비스 고정비용을 고려한 복수제품 선별검사와 서비스시스템 설계

  • Received : 2016.04.01
  • Accepted : 2016.08.23
  • Published : 2016.09.30


In this paper, we design sampling inspections and service capacities simultaneously for multi-products. Products are supplied in batches after rectifying inspections, that is, rejected lot is subject to total inspection and defective products are reworked to good ones. When supplied, all defective products are uncovered and returned to service. Particularly, we extend Kim [1] by introducing the fixed costs of providing services and show that the cost function of a product is no longer linear or convex in terms of the level of service provision. We develop a framework for a product to deal with this joint design problem and a dynamic programming algorithm for multi-products which allocates the given number of the total service capacities among products with the considerably smaller computations than the total number of possible allocations.



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