2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 5, 6학년 초등과학과 교사용 지도서에 제시된 발문 유형 분석

The Analysis on Question's Patterns in Elementary School Science Teacher's Guidebooks of 5, 6th Grade under the 2009 Revised Curriculum

  • 투고 : 2015.10.29
  • 심사 : 2016.01.11
  • 발행 : 2016.02.29


The purpose of this study was to analyze question's patterns in elementary school science teacher's guide books of 5, 6th grade under the 2009 revised curriculum. A modified analysis framework based on Blosser's classified system was used to analyze 1,982 questions extracted from elementary science teacher's guide books by grade, by domain, and by teaching and learning stage. The findings of this study were as follows. First, of the 1,982 questions, the most prominent type of question was the propositional question and the following was the reproductive question. And, in comparing the question's patterns between 5, 6th grade, it was found that 6th grade had higher rate of close typed question, while 5th grade had higher rate of open typed question in its curriculum. Secondly, a comparative study about two domains, material and energy science domain and earth and life science domain, showed that the number of questions of each domain was not much different. However, it was found that propositional questions and applicable questions showed a higher rate in material and energy science domain, and anticipated questions and open typed questions including divergent and evaluative question showed higher rate in earth and life science domain. Moreover, although the total number of questions from integration and my fun research domain's contents was small, the rate of open typed questions was higher than any other domains. Finally, as a result of comparing and analyzing question's pattern in teaching and learning stages, the rate of reproductive question and anticipated questions was high at the stage of introduction. At the stage of development, the rate of propositional and reproductive questions was high. At the stage of conclusion, the rate of synthetic and applicable questions was high.



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