The Relation of Biochemical Examination, Metabolic Syndrome and Life Style of the Gallbladder Polyp in Health Examination Examinees

건강검진 수진자에서 담낭용종과 생화학적검사, 대사증후군 및 생활습관의 관련성

  • Park, Yoen-Hwa (Dept. of Radiological Science Konyang University) ;
  • Kang, Jae-Sun (Dept. of Public Health Chungnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Hea-Nam (Dept. of Radiological Wonkwang Health Science University)
  • 박연화 (건양대학교 방사선학과) ;
  • 강재선 (충남대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 이혜남 (원광보건대학교 방사선과)
  • Received : 2015.11.03
  • Accepted : 2016.02.04
  • Published : 2016.02.29


The incidence of gallbladder polyps are increasing due to the extended use of ultrasonography. Although there are various reports on the risk of gallbladder polyps, there are few studies of the relationships among the presence of metabolic syndrome including serum biochemistry, lifestyle and the development of gallbladder polyps. The aim of this study was to determine association of the presence of metabolic syndrome, including serum biochemistry, with the development of gallbladder polyps in the Korean population. Among the health examination examinees, 596 people, who underwent abdominal ultrasonography from January, 2013 to December 2013, were included in this study. Physical measurements also taken, such as height, weight, blood pressure, waist measurement, and BMI. The general characteristics including age, sex, smoking, and drinking as the related factors were checked. At the same time, various blood tests were performed and the fasting blood sugar was analyzed through blood-gathering to determine the presence of metabolic syndrome. Regarding the factors associated with gallbladder polyps, the results showed that being male, smoking, non-drinking were significantly high. In addition, testing positive for HBsAg and an increasing BMI was apparently higher the group with metabolic syndrome than the non-metabolic syndrome group. The highest predictive factors for gallbladder polyps was being male (1.8 times), followed by metabolic syndrome (2.3 times) and testing positive for HBsAg (2.6 times).

최근, 복부초음파로 인해 담낭용종의 발견률이 높아지고 있다. 담낭용종의 위험인자에 대한 다양한 연구가 보고 되었지만 생화학검사, 생활습관을 포함한 대사증후군과 담낭용종의 관계에 대한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구의 목적은 생활습관, 생화학적 혈액검사를 포함한 대사증후군과 담낭용종과의 관련성을 알아보는데 있다. 2013년 1월부터 2013년 12월까지 건강검진 수진자 중 복부초음파검사를 시행 받아 담낭용종의 진단을 받은 596명을 대상으로 나이, 성별, 흡연, 음주, 운동의 일반적인 특성과 신장, 체중, 혈압, 허리둘레, 체질량 지수 등의 신체 계측을 하였으며, 동시에 채혈을 통한 공복 시 혈당과 여러 가지 혈액검사 및 대사증후군 여부를 분석하여 담낭용종과의 관계를 알아보았다. 그 결과 남성, 흡연자, 비음주자에서 유의하게 높았으며, 체질량지수가 높을수록, 대사증후군이 있는 집단이, HBsAg 양성군에서 높았고, 위험도는 남성이 여성보다 1.8배, 대사증후군이 있는 군이 없는 군보다 2.3배, HBsAg이 양성인 군에서 2.6배 높게 나타났다.



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