다중 플랫폼 지원 실시간 HD급 영상 전송기 개발에 관한 연구

The Study on the Development of the Realtime HD(High Definition) Level Video Streaming Transmitter Supporting the Multi-platform

  • Lee, JaeHee (Dept. of Information & Telecommunication, Dongseoul University) ;
  • Seo, ChangJin (Dept. of National Defense Intelligence Engineering, Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2016.11.04
  • 심사 : 2016.11.28
  • 발행 : 2016.12.01


In this paper for developing and implementing the realtime HD level video streaming transmitter which is operated on the multi-platform in all network and client environment compared to the exist video live streaming transmitter. We design the realtime HD level video streaming transmitter supporting the multi-platform using the TMS320DM386 video processor of T.I company and then porting the Linux kernel 2.6.29 and implementing the RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol)/RTP(Real Time Transport Protocol), HLS(Http Live Streaming), RTMP(Real Time Messaging Protocol) that can support the multi-platform of video stream protocol of the received equipments (smart phone, tablet PC, notebook etc.). For proving the performance of developed video streaming transmitter, we make the testing environment for testing the performance of streaming transmitter using the notebook, iPad, android Phone, and then analysis the received video in the client displayer. In this paper, we suggest the developed the Realtime HD(High Definition) level Video Streaming transmitter performance data values higher than the exist products.



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