Shipboard Secret Electronic Voting System for Information and Communication Technology-isolated Ocean Crews

  • Received : 2016.09.09
  • Accepted : 2016.10.10
  • Published : 2016.09.30


The sailors on seagoing ships experience much difficulty in communicating with their families, friends or associates ashore due to communication cost or technical difficulties so that they are sometimes unable to adapt to the rapid social changes promptly. This is mainly the result of an insufficient Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-environment on their ships. To surmount such a problem, an electronic shipboard voting system that guarantees the publicness and absolute secrecy in voting process has been proposed in this paper. The system not only helps crews to catch up with up-to-date news and provides them a feeling that they are being connected to the everyday lives of the outside world, but also allows them to cast their votes based on the newly acquired information (e.g., current political or economic situations in their respective regions and etc.).



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