미용서비스품질과 서비스충성도간 관계에서 대안매력도의 조절효과

A Study on the Effect of Mediating Roles on Attractiveness of Alternatives on the Relationship between the Quality of Beauty Service and the Service Loyalty

  • 이유미 (정화예술대학교 미용예술학부) ;
  • 이난희 (상명대학교 대학원 뷰티예술경영전공)
  • Lee, You Mi (Dept. of Beauty Arts, Jeong Hwa Art College) ;
  • Rhee, Nan Hee (Dept. of Beauty Arts Management, Graduate School of Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2015.12.21
  • 심사 : 2016.02.19
  • 발행 : 2016.02.28


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating roles of relationship quality, satisfaction and trust, and switching cost during the process of the effects of service quality in the beauty industry. Assuming the attractiveness of alternatives of such structural relations may differ between paths of groups, effects of influence on the relation of each composition concept were investigated. This study adopted a three-dimensional model of service quality, "process quality", "outcome quality", and "environment quality." Amos was used to analyze the research hypotheses and the proposed model. The result of the study suggests that service quality positively influences relationship quality, and relationship quality yields service loyalty. The results also indicates that relationship quality positively influences switching cost and switching cost positively influences service loyalty. Each service quality dimension had a significant effect on satisfaction, trust, and the relative importance of service quality dimensions on satisfaction; trust followed the order of process quality, outcome quality, and environment quality. The moderating variable such as the alternatives' attractiveness is found to be important moderators of the path of the model.



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