The Influence of Internet Use on Interpersonal Interaction among Chinese Urban Residents: The Mediating Effect of Social Identification

  • Chen, Hong (School of Communication, East China Normal University) ;
  • Qin, Jing (School of Communication, East China Normal University) ;
  • Li, Jing (School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University) ;
  • Zheng, Guangjia (School of Communication, East China Normal University)
  • 발행 : 2016.02.28


The instability of social norms on the Internet causes the diversity of social identification. Meanwhile, the anonymity of online social identity and the chaos of the role-playing among the interacting participants cause an ambiguity of identity recognition, which intensifies anxiety about interpersonal interaction. Methods that promote face-to-face interpersonal interaction through the reconstruction of the identification to the social system and intergroup trust is worth further research. Based on a telephone survey of urban residents in thirty-six cities in China (N=1080), the study focuses on the influence of Internet use on interpersonal interaction of urban residents and the mediation effect of social identification. The results show that Internet use has a negative effect on the interpersonal interactions of urban residents, and social identification plays a mediating effect between Internet use and interpersonal interaction. Implications of the results are discussed.



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