Effect of Maitland Mobilization and Kaltenborn-Evjenth Mobilization on the SLR Angle

  • 투고 : 2016.07.25
  • 심사 : 2016.09.20
  • 발행 : 2016.10.30


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Maitland mobilization and Kaltenborn-Evjenth mobilization on the SLR angle. Subjects randomly divided into Kaltenborn-Evjenth group(n=8) and Maitland group(n=7). The mean height, age, body weight was $176.00{\pm}5.10cm$, $22.75{\pm}1.83years$, $72.63{\pm}10.65kg$ respectively in Kaltenborn-Evjenth group. The mean height, age, body weight was $175.00{\pm}5.60cm$, $22.29{\pm}3.68years$, $78.00{\pm}12.36kg$ respectively in Maitland group. Hip joint accessary movements with Grade III or IV were applied depend on the patient's condition to the restricted direction for 1 minute each set, and performed 5 set in a Maitland group. Hip joint anteroposterior gliding with Grade III were applied 60 for 1 minutes each set, and performed 5 set in a Kaltenborn-Evjenth group. The angle of first pain was referred to as P1 and subjects were pointed out that they could not bend the knee anymore, then examiner measure SLR angle. The SLR was significantly increased in the Maitland group compared to the Kaltenborn-Evjenth group after intervention(p<.05). In a within group difference, SLR significantly increased in the both groups(p<.05). These results indicated that Maitland mobilization could be recommended the excellent technique to increase the hip flexion in patient with hip hypo-mobility.



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