시료 중 잔류 항생제 분석 방법: IV. EPA method 1694와 비교 가능한 기기 분석 방법

Determination of Veterinary Antibiotic Residues: IV. Comparable Analytical Methods with EPA Methods 1694_A Review

  • 김찬식 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 유역총량연구과) ;
  • 류홍덕 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 유역총량연구과) ;
  • 정유진 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 유역총량연구과) ;
  • 김용석 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 유역총량연구과) ;
  • 류덕희 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부 유역총량연구과)
  • Kim, Chansik (Watershed and Total Load Management Research Division, Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Ryu, Hong-Duck (Watershed and Total Load Management Research Division, Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Chung, Eu Gene (Watershed and Total Load Management Research Division, Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Kim, Yongseok (Watershed and Total Load Management Research Division, Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Rhew, Doug Hee (Watershed and Total Load Management Research Division, Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research)
  • 투고 : 2016.08.23
  • 심사 : 2016.11.21
  • 발행 : 2016.11.30


In this study, 16 antibiotics were selected from among the top 30 veterinary antibiotics sold in South Korea in 2014, as well as from among the pharmaceuticals targeted by EPA method 1694, in order to review analytical methods for the detection of trace levels of antibiotics in environmental samples: surface water, soils, animal origin foods, and manures. LC-MS/MS was heavily used. In the chromatography for the detection of the selected antibiotics, the $C_{18}$ column was mostly used at the temperature of $30{\sim}40^{\circ}C$. Water and methanol/acetonitrile were commonly chosen as a nonpolar and a polar mobile phase, respectively. Gradient elution was applied to separate multiclass antibiotics. Volatile additives, such as formic acid, acetic acid, and ammonium acetate were mixed with the mobile phase to improve the ionization efficiency of analytes and the sensitivity in MS detection. Electrospray ionization (ESI) was widely used in the LC-MS/MS and positive ionization was preferred to determine the selected antibiotics. A protonated $[M+H]^+$ molecule was selected as a precursor ion, and its two transitions were analyzed, one for quantitative measurement and the other for confirmation. This study reviewed linearity of the calibration curve, recovery, repeatability, method detection limits (MDLs), and method quantification limits (MQLs) for each target compound used to validate the developed analytical methods.



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