A study on Artistic Regeneration of Idle Spaces focused on the Relational Aesthetics

관계미학을 중심으로 본 유휴공간의 예술적 재생에 관한 연구

  • 허주연 (가천대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 이정욱 (가천대학교 실내건축학과)
  • Received : 2016.10.31
  • Accepted : 2016.12.09
  • Published : 2016.12.31


As the dark side of society, Idle spaces, which occurred with the paradigm change due to rapid modernization and industralization, has been existing as a severed part in cities. But with the periodic change, interest in the existing place and regional regeneration, and the necessity of reconsidering about the idle spaces values of space, city environment, socio-culture, and economy was proposed. I estimated that the change of relational aesthetics aspect of modern arts resulted in the consideration of recognizing 'place' of art, through the study, it was revealed that the form of modern arts and change of enjoyment were related to space, and the fact that this had a relation with the rise of artistic regeneration of idle spaces. mutually communicative relationship formation and practical form of arts was deducted through the interpretation of relational aesthetics, Idle spaces and artistic regeneration space can be categorized into forms of experiential space, creative space, and cultural space, depending on the formation of relationship between author-art-audience. Through the comprehensive analysis, Artistic regeneration space by relationship formation is Vitalization of various forms of art and participation program eliminates the boundary between creation and enjoyment, and the space itself can be said to contain extensive, integral, and nonterritorialization meaning as a place of experiencing art. In other words, Artistic regeneration space of idle spaces forms a close relationship with the local society, and is placed within the context of daily domain as an open space, straying off from the existing separative and closed artistic space configuration. and artistic changeover of idle spaces is not only the appearance of space that simply fulfills function according to transfiguration of modern art, but signifies that art is coexisting with space as an indivisible relationship, and can be said to be the foothold of new relationship creation as the practical 'place' of art.



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