국내 거주용 컨테이너 건축물의 구축현황과 활성화 방안

Building Process of Domestic Residential Container Architecture and Suggestions for Vitalization

  • 길빛나 (충북대학교 대학원 주거환경학과) ;
  • 김미경 (충북대학교 주거환경학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.10.30
  • 심사 : 2016.12.09
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


The purpose of this study was to suggest ways to vitalize residential container architecture by identifying the building process of domestic residential container architecture and analyzing various problems appeared in the process and status of construction related to planning, design, and construction. Conclusion and suggestions of this study are as follows.; firstly, according to the current situation of domestic residential container architecture, the usage was planned mainly for accommodation. Secondly, For planning background of planning preparation stage, economic benefit for long-term residence individuality and diversity for long short term complex residence were the primary planning backgrounds. Thirdly, for floor planning of planning design stage, space planning for various purposes is necessary as creating inter-space, wide LDK space, and loft by using narrow and long container for the long-term residence. Lastly, For construction stage, ways to reduce personnel expenses are being required by reducing the term of works and simplifying the processing stage by running factory production and field construction in parallel. If reduction method of construction cost through energy saving and mass production system is considered in the future, it would be possible to expand the development to dormitory and community housing for university students who are pressured by housing cost.



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