Platform Thinking within the Third Generation Science Park Concept: Emerging Cases from Finland and the Netherlands

  • 투고 : 2016.01.15
  • 심사 : 2016.05.09
  • 발행 : 2016.06.01


This paper is intended as an opening of a dialog on how to apply platform thinking in the development of innovation environments. It will briefly describe a new STP (Science and Technology Park) concept called 3GSP (Third Generation Science Park), which is gaining momentum in Finland. The paper explains the fundamental changes that are currently taking place in the global innovation environment and explains why platform thinking is becoming an essential element in ecosystem development. The theoretical background and classifications of platforms are described and the benefits to be gained from STP perspective are highlighted. The paper emphasizes especially the role of so called 'competence platforms' and explains the main characteristics of a fully working competence platform. The role of competence platforms in understanding serendipity and as a fundamental factor in building the team is also highlighted. The paper analyses from STP perspective several practical examples, where platform thinking supports the emergence of new innovation environments, including Urban Mill (Finland) and Meetberlage (Netherlands). The requirements for comprehensive competence platform services are presented and their potential to support community building and therefore ecosystem development is illustrated. This analysis will provide STP practitioners with new models for applying platform thinking and will help to establish co-creation, open innovation and serendipity management practices. The case studies presented will help STP management teams to evaluate the benefits of competence platforms in different contexts.



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