Research on Oscillation Character of Six-Phase Fractional-Slot Concentrated-Winding Permanent Motor with Different Slot-Pole Match

  • Qiao, Ming-zhong (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Naval University of Engineering) ;
  • Zhu, Yong-xin (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Naval University of Engineering) ;
  • Liang, Jing-hui (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Naval University of Engineering) ;
  • Li, Geng (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Naval University of Engineering)
  • 투고 : 2015.12.07
  • 심사 : 2016.05.27
  • 발행 : 2016.11.01


The oscillation character of permanent magnetic motor is highly related to its slot-pole match. By calculating air-gap magnet field and radial electromagnetic force of 6-phase fractional-slot concentrated-winding permanent magnetic motor with slot-pole match of 48/44, 48/46, 48/50 and 48/52 under no load and load status, oscillation character of permanent magnetic motor is analyzed. A 20kW prototype with 48 slots and 44 poles is designed. With many sensors attaching to the corresponding parts, oscillatory acceleration is measured, and spectrum of oscillation frequency is recorded as well. The experiment results give proof to the analysis method for permanent magnetic motor oscillation in this paper.



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