신기후체제 협약에 따른 신재생에너지의 필요성

  • 발행 : 2016.01.01




  1. 환경부 홈페이지, http://www.me.go.kr/issue/cop21
  2. 외교부 국제경제국 기후변화환경과, "기후변화 바로알기", 2015.
  3. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), "Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report Fifth Assessment Report", 2014.
  4. 한수원blog, http://blog.khnp.co.kr/greenspeaker/archives/2796
  5. 김현구, "풍력 융복합발전 기술동향", 녹색기술동향보고서, 2014.
  6. 한국에너지관리공단, "2014 신.재생에너지 백서"
  7. power-technology.com, http://www.power-technology.com/projects/greenoceanenergywav/greenoceanenergywav1.html
  8. Michael Schirber, "How Floating 'Energy Islands' Could Power the Future", 2008
  9. http://www.modec.com/fps/skwid/index.html
  10. MODEC, "Floating Wind & Current Hybrid Power Generation", 2013.
  11. GE, "FlexEfficiency*60 Portfolio - A new standard of high efficiency and operational flexibility", 2012.
  12. EPRI, "2016 Research Portfolio", 2015.
  13. EPRI, "State of the Technology 2015", 2015.
  14. 한국에너지공단 신재생에너지센터 그린홈, https://greenhome.kemco.or.kr