Is the ASEAN Economic Community Relevant To Gen Y Professionals? A Comparative Study on Attitudes and Participation of Young Professionals in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam on ASEAN Economic Integration

  • Benny, Guido (School of History, Politics and Strategy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan)
  • 발행 : 2015.11.30


The main objective of this study was to investigate the awareness and perception of young professionals in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam countries on the ASEAN Economic Community (hereafter, AEC). Data from a survey of 575 young professionals, with approximately equal distribution from each country, were collected in June and July 2015. Research findings revealed that the knowledge and understanding of the AEC among the Gen Y professionals were still marginal. Although they lack awareness, young professionals had a good impression and perception of the AEC in connection with important benefits for them individually as well as for their country. Finally, the study revealed that the Gen Y professionals showed some level of optimistic attitude that they could succeed in the AEC as they thought that they were quite well prepared, having sufficient skills to work or to do business in other ASEAN countries.



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