Extrapulmonary Small Cell Carcinoma - a Case Series of Oropharyngeal and Esophageal Primary Sites Treated with Chemo-Radiotherapy

  • Sahai, Puja (Department of Radiation Oncology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Baghmar, Saphalta (Department of Medical Oncology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Nath, Devajit (Department of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Arora, Saurabh (Department of Nuclear Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Bhasker, Suman (Department of Radiation Oncology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Gogia, Ajay (Department of Medical Oncology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Sikka, Kapil (Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Kumar, Rakesh (Department of Nuclear Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Chander, Subhash (Department of Radiation Oncology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences)
  • Published : 2015.11.04


Background: The optimal sequence and extent of multimodality therapy remains to be defined for extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma because of its rarity. The purpose of our study was to assess the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation/radiation in patients with extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma. Materials and Methods: Four consecutively diagnosed patients were included in this study. The primary tumor site was oropharynx in three patients and esophagus in one. The patients with the limited disease were treated with chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiation (n=2) or radiotherapy (n=1). The patient with the extensive disease with the primary site in vallecula was treated with chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy to the metastatic site. Results: The median follow-up was 22.5 months (range, 8-24 months). Three patients with the limited disease (base of tongue, n=2; esophagus, n=1) were in complete remission. The patient with the extensive disease died of loco-regional tumor progression at 8 months from the time of diagnosis. Conclusions: The combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is the preferred therapeutic approach for patients with extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma. Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiation or radiation provides a good loco-regional control in patients with limited disease.



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