BIM의 현재와 미래가치 - Hidden Values in BIM

  • 조대구 (연우테크놀러지 기술연구소)
  • Published : 2015.10.01




  1. 토일보, "건축물 설계품질 혁신 개방형 BIM 기술 환경 구축", 2014.
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  5. Bohlen, Joe M.; Beal, George M. (May 1957), "The Diffusion Process", Special Report No. 18 (Agriculture Extension Service, Iowa State College) 1: 56-77.
  6. MacLeanmy, Patrick (2004) the "MacLeamy Curve" Introduced in the Construction Users Roundtable's "Collaboration, Integrated Information, and the Project Lifecycle in Building Design and Construction and Operation" illustrates the advantages of Integrated Project Delivery.
  7. Patrick C. Suermann, Evaluating The Impact of Building Information Modeling(BIM) on Construction, 2009.
  8. Simon Sinek, The "Golden Circle",
  9. Teicholz, Paul. "Labor Productivity Declines in the Construction Industry: Causes and Remedies." AECbytes 4 (2004). Web. Mar. 2010. .
  10. Tully, Jim. "Hype Cycle for Semiconductors and Electronics Technologies, 2012." Gartner Research report G00234925 1 August 2012.