Understanding 《Jiuzhang suanshu 九章算術》 through 《Kujang sulhae 九章術解》 -Focusing on the Meaning of the Terms and Phrases in the First Half of Chapter One pangjeon 方田章, and Paying Attention to the Development of Concepts-

《구장술해》를 통한 《구장산술》의 이해 -방전장(方田章) 전반부의 용어와 어구의 의미를 중심으로 개념의 발달 과정에 주의하여-

  • KANG, Min Jeong (Daedong Institute for Korean Studies, Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
  • Received : 2015.09.04
  • Accepted : 2015.10.18
  • Published : 2015.10.31


We discuss several issues relating to the meaning of the terms and phrases in the first half of Chapter One fang tian 方田章 of ${\ll}$Jiuzhang suanshu九章算術${\gg}$. I understood those issues more clearly in the course of the translation of ${\ll}$Kujang sulhae 九章術解${\gg}$. Those are '今有' in the beginning of each problem, '積' and '冪' in the method of square field 方田術, '齊' in the method of reduction to a common denominator 齊同術, '經' and '有分者通之重有分者同而通之' in the method of dividing fraction 經分術, '實如法而一' in the calculation using the rods, '兩邪' in the method of trapezium field with a perpendicular side 邪田術. We may find out the value of ${\ll}$Kujang sulhae 九章術解${\gg}$ through our discussion.



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