시골에 사는 12년령의 중성화 안한 수컷 말라뮤트가 회음부위의 염증과 통증을 주호소로 내원하였다. 회음부 신체검사에서 구더기와 구멍이 있는 피부 병변이 존재하였다. 혈액검사에서는 미약한 빈혈과 혈소판 증가증 이외에 특이소견은 보이지 않았으며 진단은 임상증상 및 구더기의 존재에 의해 쉽게 되었다. 즉시 삭모 및 소독을 실시하였으며 삭모 중 진드기가 발견되어 SNAP 4DX (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME, USA)를 이용해 진드기 및 관련 병원체의 감염유무를 평가하였고 검사결과는 모두 음성이었다. 치료는 이버멕틴(300 mcg/kg)을 피하 주사로 한번 주사하였으며 2차 감염을 예방하기 위해 항생제를 처방하였다. 이 후 구더기증과 상처부위는 2주 이내에 치료되었다.
A 12-year-old intact male, Alaskan Malamute dog, which lives in the countryside, was presented with inflammation and pain around perineal areas. Thorough examination revealed maggots and punched-out round holes lesion around the perineal region. Complete blood counts (CBC) and serum biochemical examinations showed no remarkable findings except mild anemia and mild thrombocytosis. The diagnosis was easily done, based on clinical signs and maggots identification. Cleaning with chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine lavage and hair clipping away from the lesions were performed soon after presentation. SNAP 4Dx Test (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME, USA) was performed to rule out other vector-borne diseases since the ticks were found on the clipped area and vector-borne pathogens. The test result was negative. The dog in this case was treated with ivermectin (300 mcg/kg SC) one time. Also, treatments with amoxicillin clavulanate (20 mg/kg PO, BID) was established to prevent secondary bacterial infections. Then, myiasis resolved with 2 weeks and the affected area was healed.