• SUZUKI, TOHRU (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • TOBITA, YOSHIHARU (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • KAWADA, KENICHI (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • TAGAMI, HIROTAKA (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • SOGABE, JOJI (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • MATSUBA, KENICHI (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • ITO, KEI (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) ;
  • OHSHIMA, HIROYUKI (Fast Reactor Safety Technology Development Department, Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
  • 투고 : 2015.01.26
  • 심사 : 2015.02.04
  • 발행 : 2015.04.25


In the original licensing application for the prototype fast-breeder reactor, MONJU, the event progression during an unprotected loss of flow (ULOF), which is one of the technically inconceivable events postulated beyond design basis, was evaluated. Through this evaluation, it was confirmed that radiological consequences could be suitably limited even if mechanical energy was released. Following the Fukushima-Daiichi accident, a new nuclear safety regulation has become effective in Japan. The conformity of MONJU to this new regulation should hence be investigated. The objectives of the present study are to conduct a preliminary evaluation of ULOF for MONJU, reflecting the knowledge obtained after the original licensing application through CABRI experiments and EAGLE projects, and to gain the prospect of in-vessel retention for the conformity of MONJU to the new regulation. The preliminary evaluation in the present study showed that no significant mechanical energy release would take place, and that thermal failure of the reactor vessel could be avoided by the stable cooling of disrupted-core materials. This result suggests that the prospect of in-vessel retention against ULOF, which lies within the bounds of the original licensing evaluation and conforms to the new nuclear safety regulation, will be gained.



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