연구개발 사업화 성과 평가 : DEA 기반 3단계 R&BD 성과 모형

Performance Evaluation of R&D Commercialization : A DEA-Based Three-Stage Model of R&BD Performance

  • 전익진 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원) ;
  • 이학연 (서울과학기술대학교 글로벌융합산업공학과)
  • Jeon, Ikjin (The Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Hakyeon (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.05
  • 심사 : 2015.07.15
  • 발행 : 2015.10.15


This study proposes a three-stage model of R&BD performance which captures commercialization outcomes as well as conventional R&D performance. The model is composed of three factors : inputs (R&D budgets and researchers), outputs (patents and papers), and outcomes (technical fees, products sales, and cost savings). Three stages are defined for each transformation process between the three factors : efficiency stage from input to output (stage 1), effectiveness stage from output to outcome (stage 2), and productivity stage from input to outcome (stage 3). The performance of each stage is measured by data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA is a non-parametric efficiency measurement technique that has widely been used in R&D performance measurement. We measure the performance of 171 projects of 6 public R&BD programs managed by Seoul Business Agency using the proposed three-stage model. In order to provide a balanced and holistic view of R&BD performance, the R&BD performance map is also constructed based on performance of efficiency and productivity stages.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Framework for the Strategy of Research & Business Development vol.44, pp.4, 2016,