대구 안심연료단지 환경오염물질 노출 평가(III) - 원소 탄소, 결정형 실리카 및 안정동위원소비를 이용한 오염원 기여율 및 분포특성 -

Exposure Assessments of Environmental Contaminants in Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex, Daegu(III) - Contribution and distribution characteristics of air pollutants according to elemental carbon, crystalline silica, and stable isotope ratio -

  • Jung, Jong-Hyeon (Faculty of Health Science, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Phee, Young-Gyu (Faculty of Health Science, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Shon, Byung-Hyun (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Hanseo University) ;
  • Bae, Hye-Jeong (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Hanseo University) ;
  • Yang, Won-Ho (Department of Occupational Health, Catholic University of Daegu) ;
  • Kim, Ji-Young (National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Kim, Geun-Bae (National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Woo (National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Park, Sung-Jun (Department of Preventive Medicine, Dongguk University College of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Kwan (Department of Preventive Medicine, Dongguk University College of Medicine) ;
  • Lim, Hyun-Sul (Department of Preventive Medicine, Dongguk University College of Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2015.09.10
  • 심사 : 2015.09.25
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


Objectives: This study measured and analyzed the concentrations of crystalline silica, elemental carbon and the contribution ratio of pollutants which influence environmental and respiratory disease around the Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex in Daegu, Korea. Methods: We analyzed the crystalline silica and elemental carbon in the air according to FTIR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and NIOSH(National Institute of Occupation Safety and Health) method 5040, respectively. In addition, lead stable isotopes, and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes were analyzed using MC-ICP/MS(Multi Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometer), and IRMS(Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer), respectively. Results: The concentration of crystalline silica in the direct exposure area around the Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex was found to be $0.0014{\pm}0.0005mg/Sm^3$, but not to exceed the exposure standards of the ACGIH(American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists). In the case of the autumn, the direct exposure area was found to show a level 2.5 times higher than the reference area, and on the whole, the direct exposure area was found to have a level 1.4 times higher than the reference area. The concentration of elemental carbon in the direct exposure area and in the reference area were found to be $0.0014{\pm}0.0006mg/Sm^3$, and $0.0006{\pm}0.0003mg/Sm^3$, respectively. This study confirmed the contribution ratio of coal raw materials to residentially deposited dusts in the area within 500 meters from the Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex and the surrounding area with a stable isotope ratio of 24.0%(0.7-62.7%) on average in the case of carbon and nitrogen, and 33.9%(26.6-54.1%) on average in the case of lead stable isotopes. Conclusions: This study was able to confirm correlations with coal raw materials used by the Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex and the surrounding area. The concentration of some pollutants, crystalline silica, and elemental carbon emitted to the direct-influence area around the Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex were relatively higher than in the reference area. Therefore, we need to impose continuous and substantive reduction countermeasures in the future to prevent particulate matter and coal raw materials in the study area. It is time for the local government and authorities to prepare active administrative methods such as the relocation of Ansim Briquette Fuel Complex.



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