Effects of SKLCT® for Voice Improvement in Patients with Presbyphonia

후두보정기법이 노인성 음성장애 환자의 음성개선에 미치는 효과

  • Received : 2015.08.16
  • Accepted : 2015.09.20
  • Published : 2015.09.30


This study evaluated the effect of the therapeutic methods between vocal function exercise(VFE), which has been used for the patients with presbyphonia in the precedent studies and laryngeal calibration technique($SKLCT^{(R)}$), which is designed by the author. We identified 58 patients who was been diagnosed as presbylaryngis by laryngoscopic examinations. 21 patients were underwent voice therapy using $SKLCT^{(R)}$, 20 patients were taken VFE, and the control group of 17 patients were not taken any voice therapy. All subjects received the therapy, ranging from seven to nine sessions, and were evaluated the voice change on pretherapy and posttherapy. The grade of hoarseness, roughness, and breathiness voice were reduced on perceptual judgments after $SKLCT^{(R)}$, but only grade of hoarseness was reduced after the VFE. Jitter, Shimmer, NHR were reduced and MPT were increased after the $SKLCT^{(R)}$(p<.05), while Jitter and SFF were reduced after the VFE. Frequency and intensity range were increased significantly on the posttest performance after taking voice therapy by the $SKLCT^{(R)}$, on the other hand only intensity range was increased after VFE. Especially, we can find the significant change that glottic gap and supraglottic compressions was reduced in most of patients after the $SKLCT^{(R)}$, but there's no changes in the group of VFE and control group. In the study, we can suggest that the $SKLCT^{(R)}$ may be useful in improving the voice qualities and laryngeal function of presbyphonia.



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