A comparison of phonological error patterns in the single word and spontaneous speech of children with speech sound disorders

말소리장애 아동의 단어와 자발화 문맥의 음운오류패턴 비교

  • 박가연 (나사렛대학교대학원) ;
  • 김수진 (나사렛대학교 언어치료학과)
  • Received : 2015.08.04
  • Accepted : 2015.09.08
  • Published : 2015.09.30


This study was aim to compare the phonological error patterns and PCC(Percentage of Correct Consonants) derived from the single word and spontaneous speech contexts of the speech sound disorders with unknown origin(SSD). The present study suggest that the development phonological error patterns and non-developmental error patterns of the target children, in according to speech context. The subjects were 15 children with SSD up to the age of 5 from 3 years of age. This research use 37 words of APAC(Assessment of Phonology & Articulation for Children) in the single word context and 100 eojeol in the spontaneous speech context. There was no difference of PCC between the single word and the spontaneous speech contexts. Significantly different developmental phonological error patterns between the single word and the spontaneous speech contexts were syllable deletion, word-medial onset deletion, liquid deletion, gliding, affrication, fricative other error, tensing, regressive assimilation. Significantly different non-developmental phonological error patterns were backing, addtion of phoneme, aspirating. The study showed that there was no difference of PCC between elicited single word and spontaneous conversational context. And there were some different phonological error patterns derived from the two contexts of the speech sound disorders. The more important interventions target is the error patterns of the spontaneous speech contexts for the immediate generalization and rising overall intelligibility.



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