A new finite element formulation for vibration analysis of thick plates

  • Senjanovic, Ivo (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture) ;
  • Vladimir, Nikola (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture) ;
  • Cho, Dae Seung (Pusan National University, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering)
  • 발행 : 2015.03.31


A new procedure for determining properties of thick plate finite elements, based on the modified Mindlin theory for moderately thick plate, is presented. Bending deflection is used as a potential function for the definition of total (bending and shear) deflection and angles of cross-section rotations. As a result of the introduced interdependence among displacements, the shear locking problem, present and solved in known finite element formulations, is avoided. Natural vibration analysis of rectangular plate, utilizing the proposed four-node quadrilateral finite element, shows higher accuracy than the sophisticated finite elements incorporated in some commercial software. In addition, the relation between thick and thin finite element properties is established, and compared with those in relevant literature.



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