A Study on the Object of the Fraud by Use of Computer

  • Lim, Jong-hee (Dept. of police administration, Dongshin University)
  • Received : 2015.09.02
  • Accepted : 2015.09.06
  • Published : 2015.09.30


The Criminal Law of South Korea has needed to cope with new kinds of crimes such as the fraud by use of computer efficiently in a legislative way because the society has witnessed the rapid progress of the industrialization and informatization after established in 1953. As a result, the Criminal Law revised on December 29, 1995, created the regulations of the crimes related to fraud by use of computer, work disturbance, and secret piracy by using information processing units. The regulation stipulated in Clause 347, Article 2 of Criminal Law is the most typical one against the new crimes. However, the new regulation of fraud by use of computer, established and revised to supplement the lacking parts of the current rules of the punishment of fraud, limits its object to "any benefits to property." not to "property" itself, and so cannot achieve the purpose of the revision of the law. This paper aims to suggest a new legislative measure about the object of the regulation of fraud by use of computer to solve this kind of problem efficiently.



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