Numerical Study of CO Reduction Characteristics in High-temperature Air Stream Diluted with Exhaust Gas

배기가스가 혼합된 고온 공기류에서의 CO 소멸특성에 대한 수치해석 연구

  • Park, Ji-Woong (Pukyong National University, Department of Safety Engineering) ;
  • Oh, Chang Bo (Pukyong National University, Department of Safety Engineering)
  • 박지웅 (부경대학교 안전공학과) ;
  • 오창보 (부경대학교 안전공학과)
  • Received : 2015.05.25
  • Accepted : 2015.06.15
  • Published : 2015.09.30


The CO reduction characteristics of hot air stream diluted with exhaust gas in a perfectly stirred reactor (PSR) were investigated numerically. The dilution ratio ($\Omega$), inlet temperature ($T_{in}$), and residence time ($\tau$) were considered as parameters to investigate the effects of those on the emission indices for CO and $CO_2$ (EICO and $EICO_2$). The roles of dominant reactions and the production rates of major species were analyzed. It was found from the EICO trend that the supplied CO in the air stream was consumed. The EICO increased negatively with $T_{in}$ at fixed $\tau$ regardless of $\Omega$. However, the magnitude of EICO and minimum inlet temperature for CO reduction showed complicated trend according to the variation of $\tau$. It was identified that the OH radical, generated from the reactions, $O_2+H{\leftrightarrow}O+OH$ and $2OH{\leftrightarrow}H+H_2O$, affected the CO reduction by the reaction, $CO+OH{\leftrightarrow}H+CO_2$. However, the CO emission ratio increased at sufficiently high inlet temperature range due to the thermal dissociation of $CO_2$.



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