레이저 피닝 처리 및 적용 기술

Laser Peening Process and Its Application Technique

  • Kim, Jong-Do (Division of Marine Engineering, Korea Maritime & Ocean University) ;
  • KUTSUNA, Muneharu (Advanced Laser Technology Research Center Co.,Ltd.) ;
  • SANO, Yuji (Power and Industrial Systems Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corporation)
  • 투고 : 2015.08.12
  • 심사 : 2015.08.27
  • 발행 : 2015.08.31


Advances in laser technology have yielded a multitude of innovative processes and applications in various industries. Laser peening is a typical example invented in the mid-1990s as a surface technology, which converted residual stress from tension to compression by just irradiating successive laser pulses to metallic materials under aqueous environment without any surface preparation. The effects of laser peening have been experimentally studied on residual stress, stress corrosion cracking(SCC) susceptibility and fatigue properties with water-penetrable frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. In addition, laser peening has been widely used in aviation and aerospace industries, automobile manufacturing and nuclear plant. One of the most important causes to improve the above-mentioned properties is the deeper compressive residual stress induced by laser peening. Taking advantage of the process without reacting force against laser irradiation, a remote operating system was developed to apply laser peening to nuclear power reactors as a preventive maintenance measure against SCC.



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