부적절한 양육행동에 대한 위험 요인과 완충 요인 -한국과 일본의 유아를 둔 어머니를 대상으로-

The Study of the Risk and Buffering Factors Related to Maltreatment -Focusing on Parenting Mothers in Korea and Japan-

  • 투고 : 2015.08.09
  • 심사 : 2015.08.31
  • 발행 : 2015.08.31


Objectives: This study aimed to review the relationship between parenting daily hassles (PDHs), parenting burden and maltreatment as perceived by Korean and Japanese mothers raising children. In addition, the influence of parenting support, efficiency and satisfaction on child maltreatment were also reviewed. Methods: Data were gathered through self-administered questionnaires given to the mothers using the childcare center in both countries. As for the final procedure, 820 Korea and 700 Japan mothers were statistically processed, and data were analyed through factor analysis and path analysis. Result: The results showed that in both countries, parenting burden caused by PDHs significantly affected physical and mental maltreatment. parenting efficiency and satisfaction as a buffering factor could inhibit mental maltreatment. However, among buffering factors, Korean parenting mothers chose parenting efficiency and Japanese parenting mothers did parenting satisfaction. Conclusions: Based on the findings, it is needed parenting mothers are offered on opportunity to take health education programs and to understand their child's behaviors and learn parent's roles of parenting. In addition, local community support is desired.



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