수족궐음경(手足厥陰經)의 경혈(經穴)이 심박변이도 SDNN에 미치는 영향

Effects of Acupoint Stimulation at the Pericadium and Liver Meridian on Heart Rate Variability

  • 성강경 (원광대학교 한의과대학 순환신경내과학교실)
  • Sung, Kang-Keyng (Department of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medical School, Wonkwang University)
  • 투고 : 2015.08.31
  • 심사 : 2015.09.14
  • 발행 : 2015.09.27


Objectives : This study is to investigate stimulation effects of acupoints at differential meridian along arm and leg on the physiological phenomenon of heartbeats. Methods : 8 subjects were participated in this study. The experiments were performed in Resting session(Rs), Insertion session(Is), Stimulation session1(Ss1), Stimulation session2(Ss2), Stimulation session3(Ss3) sequence. Time of each session and the interval between each session was 30 seconds all. Acupuncture was performed manually on PC3 or LR8 at random with a two-day interval. stand deviation of N-N interval(SDNN) was measured for each session. Results : At PC3, SDNN increased in Ss1, Ss2, and Ss3 compared to Rs but at LR8, there was little change between Ss1, Ss2, Ss3 and Rs. Post-hoc analysis revealed that mean value of SDNN significantly increased in Ss1 compared with Baseline at PC3, while there was little change at LR8. When LR8 and PC3 were compared at each time point, there was a significant difference only in Ss1. Conclusions : Our results indicate that there is a correlation between specific physiological functions and acupoints.



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