Provision of a Draft Version for Standard Classification Structure for Information of Radiation Technologies through Analyzing Their Information and Derivation of Its Applicable Requirements to the Information System

방사선 기술정보 분석을 통한 정보표준분류체계(안) 마련 및 시스템 적용요건 도출

  • 장솔아 ((사)한국방사선진흥협회) ;
  • 김주연 ((사)한국방사선진흥협회) ;
  • 유지엽 ((사)한국방사선진흥협회) ;
  • 신우호 ((사)한국방사선진흥협회) ;
  • 박태진 ((사)한국방사선진흥협회) ;
  • 송명재 ((사)한국방사선진흥협회)
  • Received : 2015.02.12
  • Accepted : 2015.03.03
  • Published : 2015.03.31


Radiation technology is the one for developing new products or processes by applying radiation or for creating new functions in industry, research and medical fields, and its application is increasing consistently. For securing an advanced technology competitiveness, it is required to create a new added value by information consumer through providing an efficient system for supporting information, which is the infrastructure for research and development, contributed to its collection, analysis and use with a rapidity and structure in addition to some direct research and development. Provision of the management structure for information resources is especially crucial for efficient operating the system for supporting information in radiation technology, and then a standard classification structure of information must be first developed as the system for supporting information will be constructed. The standard classification structure has been analyzed by reviewing the definition of information resources in radiation technology, and those classification structures in similar systems operated by institute in radiation and other scientific fields. And, a draft version of the standard classification structure has been then provided as 7 large, 25 medium and 71 small classifications, respectively. The standard classification structure in radiation technology will be developed in 2015 through reviewing this draft version and experts' opinion. Finally, developed classification structure will be applied to the system for supporting information by considering the plan for constructing this system and database, and requirements for designing the system. Furthermore, this structure will be designed in the system for searching information by working to the individual need of information consumers.



Grant : 방사선 기술정보 통합 네트워크 구축 및 관련 전문가 양성

Supported by : 미래창조과학부