A Study of Architectural Activities in China Jichang(吉長) during the Japanese Colonial Period - Focused on the articles of Manseon-ilbo(滿鮮日報) in 1940 -

일제강점기 길장지구 한인 관련 건축활동과 시설에 관한 연구 -만선일보의 기사를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2015.07.28
  • Accepted : 2015.08.31
  • Published : 2015.08.31


This paper deals with architectural activities related to Korean society in Jichang district in North East China, focused on the articles of Manseon-ilbo published there during the Japanese colonial period. Construction-related contents in the area closely connected with topical interest, publicity, and enlightenment as a local media source provide positive grounds about pending issues in colonial situations. This paper handles with articles issued in the 1940's newspapers just before the Pacific War. At that time Japanese enter in the Chinese continent, and construct a stable basis in the intimate association with Germany and Italy, countering against the United State. Among articles regarding architecture, most of contents are based on healthcare and public facilities, and urban planning. Overwhelmingly the most popular articles are about new constructions of educational facilities and residential matters. The shortage of goods and the excessive concentration of population resulted in urban and house problems, which were particularly much more serious in Korea society. Such social atmosphere made all activities regarding building constructions, in particular educational facilities, in civil level rather than the helps of the Japanese colonial government. Thus, through education and house matters we can read a slice of Korean society to survive in the colonial environment of Jichang district.



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