The Effect of family function and oral health concern on the oral health impact profile(OHIP) in the adolescents

청소년의 가족기능 및 구강건강 관심도가 구강건강영향지수(OHIP)에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2015.04.13
  • Accepted : 2015.07.30
  • Published : 2015.08.30


Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of family function and oral health concern on the oral health impact profile (OHIP) in the adolescents. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 368 middle school students in Gyeongnam from June 9 to 20, 2014. Except incomplete answers, 337 data were analyzed by frequency analysis, chi-square test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 20.0 program. The questionnaire consisted of eight questions of the general characteristics of the subjects, seventeen questions of family function, eleven questions of oral health concern, fourteen questions of oral health impact profile (OHIP)-14. Results: OHIP-14 was higher and it showed better oral health-related quality of life in lower grade, liberal parents' rearing attitude, and satisfaction with parent-child relationship. The family function and oral concern were significantly correlated with the OHIP-14. The influencing factors on the oral health-related quality of life are the family function of communication, oral concern of self oral care and food, and general characteristics. Conclusions: The oral health-related quality of life in the adolescents was affected by family function and oral health concern. It is very important and necessary to develop and apply the oral health promotion program including the family function in the adolescents.



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