A analysis Study on the Status of the Ancient Capital Preservation and Promotion Project in Buyeo

백제고도 부여의 고도보존육성사업 현황 분석 연구

  • Received : 2015.07.10
  • Accepted : 2015.08.22
  • Published : 2015.08.25


The aim of this study is to provide readers with the development strategies in terms of the Ancient Capital Plan through its status analysis and field survey. In particular, This study is expected to contribute to establish reasonable policies and prepare with development strategies of ancient capital Buyeo. The followings are specific conclusions : Firstly, Ancient Capital Preservation Plan and boundaries of district designation should be reasonably adjusted. Secondly, The relevant Act Ancient Capital Preservation and Promotion should be revised corresponding to the present state. Thirdly, exclusive organization should be established and kept consistently to produce experts. Fourthly, strategies for revitalizing Historical and Cultural Environment are required for the future. Fifthly, it should be mentioned how Cultural heritage and people in region should co-exist. Therefore life benefit and welfare for the peoples should follow. Sixthly, the commercial environment and cultural tourism environment should be improved.



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