An 8-year-old male red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Species Restoration Technology Institute of Korea National Park Service (KNPS), revealed nodular growths in its ventro-cervical region. The fox was introduced from Young-Yang Gun in 2012 to KNPS for re-introduction of the red fox. It has been cared in captive facility and showed the mass in August 2013 that was sent to Wildlife Medical Center. For the diagnosis of underlying disease and cervical mass, radiographical and sonographical examinations, complete blood count, serum chemistry analysis, peripheral blood smear examination and surgical removal of the mass were performed. The mass was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and processed routinely for haematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain. Based on hematological and serum chemical examination, the fox showed mild leukocytosis, thrombopenia, increase of creatine kinase MB (CKMB) and uric acid. However, it was considered as no clinical relevance since the fox showed no related clinical signs. Macroscopically, the mass was round shape, whitish and well-demarcated. Microscopically, it was diagnosed as a lipoma consisting of mature adipose tissue. Lipoma is a common benign tumor in most domestic animals, however it has never been reported in the red fox. The present case report provides comprehensive diagnosis of a subcutaneous lipoma in a red fox.
국립공원관리공단 종복원기술원의 수컷 여우(8년령, 8.5 kg)에서 경부에 결절상의 증식물이 발견되었다. 진단을 위하여 방사선 검사와 초음파, 일반혈액검사, 혈청 화학분석, 혈액 도말 검사를 실시하였고 증식물은 외과적으로 절제하였다. 절제술 후 얻은 조직 샘플을 10% 중성 포르말린 고정 후 HE 염색하였다. 해당 동물의 혈액 수치는 일반 여우와 크게 다르지 않았다 증식물은 육안으로 보았을 때 주변조직과 잘 구획되어 있었으며 둥글고 하얀 형태였다. 조직 슬라이드 현미경 검사 후 이는 성숙 지방 조직으로 이루어진 지방종으로 진단되었다. 지방종은 반려동물에서 흔히 발생하는 양성 종양이나 현재까지 여우에서는 보고된 적이 없으며, 이 증례는 여우에서 지방종을 종합적으로 진단 평가한 최초 증례이다.