A Study on Written Year and Contents of 『Naeuiweonshikryef』

내의원 편 『내의원(內醫院) 식례(式例)』의 저술 시기와 내용 연구

  • Park, Hun-Pyeng (Korean medicine sixth department. Hwasun maru Gariatric hospital)
  • 박훈평 (화순마루요양병원 한방6과)
  • Received : 2015.04.28
  • Accepted : 2015.05.29
  • Published : 2015.05.31


Naeuiweon (內醫院) is the royal medical office of Joseon Dynasty. "Naeuiweonshikrye (內醫院式例)" contains various regulations of Naeuiweon in early 19th century. Therefore, attention has been utilized by several researchers. However, these studies show partial side of this document. The purpose of this study is to introduce and analyze contents of "Naeuiweonshikrye". Additionally, as through the body of the written time of the contents was analyzed this document. The authors of this study found that. First, "Naeuiweonshikrye" is estimated in the volume whether modified or supplemented prior "Naeuiweonji (內醫院志)". Second, the written time of this document is about Sunjo'10(1810). Third, "Naeuiweonshikrye" is the primary document that provides a wealth of information about the actual operational and regulatory Naeuiweon (內醫院) in the early 19th century. There is no other material information has been recorded only in the literature. For example, there are several building names in the Naeuiweon. Finally, this document informs the concept of pharmaceutical terminology used in Joseon Dynasty.



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