Effects of Electric Stimulation with Static Stretching on Hamstrings Flexibility

  • Song, Won-Min (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Medical Science, Daejeon University) ;
  • Seo, Hye-Jeong (Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Daejeon University) ;
  • Shin, Won-Seob (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Medical Science, Daejeon University)
  • Received : 2015.05.29
  • Accepted : 2015.06.18
  • Published : 2015.06.25


Purpose: Flexibility has been considered one of the most important goals in rehabilitation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) with the static stretching technique on the flexibility of hamstrings. Methods: Twenty-four subjects (15 men, 9 women) with limited hamstrings flexibility received three different intervention sessions in random order. The treatment sessions included static stretching (SS), static stretching with motor-level TENS (SS with motor TENS) and sensory-level TENS (SS with sensory TENS). All sessions of SS were performed in the straight-leg raise position for 30 seconds followed by rest for 15 seconds, in repetitions for 10 minutes using a belt. The TENS groups underwent TENS stimulation ($40{\mu}s$, 100 Hz) during the stretching for 10 minutes. Outcome measures were evaluated according to active knee extension (AKE) and recorded before the session and at 0, 3, 6, 9, and 15 minutes after the session. Results: There was significant improvement in hamstrings flexibility within all groups (p<0.05). SS with TENS (both sensory and motor) maintained significant increases in knee extension range of motion until 15 minutes post-treatment. In contrast, the SS-only group maintained significantly increased hamstrings flexibility only until 6 minutes post-treatment (p<0.05). Conclusion: Improvement in hamstrings flexibility with SS with TENS was maintained longer than with SS-only intervention. Electrical stimulation with stretching may be more effective than SS alone for increased duration of maintained hamstrings flexibility.



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