국내외 조경식물의 규격 및 품질기준 비교분석

A Comparison of the standard and instruction for grade and quality of Landscape Plants in foreign countries and korea

  • Kwon, Y.H. (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Kim, S.J. (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Park, C.R. (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Han, S.K. (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries)
  • 발행 : 2015.07.30


Comparison of the standard and instruction for grade and quality of landscape plants between Korea and foreign countries indicates that the individual country characteristically develops and uses their own standards for landscape plants. Ultimate aim of these regulations is to develop the standard of landscape plants classified by kinds, types and purposes to improve the quality of landscape plants. This study analyzed the differences of standards and instructions for landscape plants between Korea and other countries such as Germany, Switzerland, America, Canada and Japan. Our results indicated that Korea and Japan used the diameter at 1.2m above from ground surface for the diameter at breast height(DBH) whereas Germany and Switzerland at 1.0m above from ground surface. In case of America and Canada, the standard of landscape plants included crown width, height and DBH of plants. In Germany, the standard for creeping plants and herbaceous flowers was determined by the type and the root size of plants with the standard of containers(seven to eleven types). This research would be helpful for developing the practical and environmentally suitable guideline for the grade and quality of landscape plants and also for developing the standardized distribution structures and cultivation techniques for landscape plants in Korea.



본 연구는 농촌진흥청 공동연구사업(과제번호 : PJ010190)의 지원에 의해 작성되었음.


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