Recent Development in Text-based Medical Image Retrieval

텍스트 기반 의료영상 검색의 최근 발전

  • Hwang, Kyung Hoon (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Haejun (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital) ;
  • Koh, Geon (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Seog Gyun (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital) ;
  • Sun, Yong Han (Department of Pediatrics, Gachon University Gil Hospital) ;
  • Choi, Duckjoo (Department of Gastrohepatology, Gachon University Gil Hospital)
  • 황경훈 (가천대 길병원 핵의학과) ;
  • 이해준 (가천대 길병원 핵의학과) ;
  • 고건 (가천대 길병원 핵의학과) ;
  • 김석균 (가천대 길병원 핵의학과) ;
  • 선용한 (가천대 길병원 소아과) ;
  • 최덕주 (가천대 길병원 소화기내과)
  • Received : 2015.05.20
  • Accepted : 2015.06.29
  • Published : 2015.06.30


An effective image retrieval system is required as the amount of medical imaging data is increasing recently. Authors reviewed the recent development of text-based medical image retrieval including the use of controlled vocabularies - RadLex (Radiology Lexicon), FMA (Foundational Model of Anatomy), etc - natural language processing, semantic ontology, and image annotation and markup.



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