환자와 로봇의 모델 불확도를 고려한 상지재활로봇의 채터링 없는 슬라이딩 모드 제어

Chattering Free Sliding Mode Control of Upper-limb Rehabilitation Robot with Handling Subject and Model Uncertainties

  • Khan, Abdul Manan (Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Yun, Deok-Won (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Han, Changsoo (Department of Robot Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA)
  • 투고 : 2015.02.15
  • 심사 : 2015.03.15
  • 발행 : 2015.05.01


Need to develop human body's posture supervised robots, gave the push to researchers to think over dexterous design of exoskeleton robots. It requires to develop quantitative techniques to assess human motor function and generate the command to assist in compliance with complex human motion. Upper limb rehabilitation robots, are one of those robots. These robots are used for the rehabilitation of patients having movement disorder due to spinal or brain injuries. One aspect that must be fulfilled by these robots, is to cope with uncertainties due to different patients, without significantly degrading the performance. In this paper, we propose chattering free sliding mode control technique for this purpose. This control technique is not only able to handle matched uncertainties due to different patients but also for unmatched as well. Using this technique, patients feel active assistance as they deviate from the desired trajectory. Proposed methodology is implemented on seven degrees of freedom (DOF) upper limb rehabilitation robot. In this robot, shoulder and elbow joints are powered by electric motors while rest of the joints are kept passive. Due to these active joints, robot is able to move in sagittal plane only while abduction and adduction motion in shoulder joint is kept passive. Exoskeleton performance is evaluated experimentally by a neurologically intact subjects while varying the mass properties. Results show effectiveness of proposed control methodology for the given scenario even having 20 % uncertain parameters in system modeling.



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