An Analysis of the HEMP Interference Effect in OFDM System

OFDM 시스템에 미치는 HEMP 간섭 영향 분석

  • 성윤현 ((주) 네오피스) ;
  • 장은영 (국립 공주대학교 공과대학 전기전자제어공학부) ;
  • 윤석범 (국립 공주대학교 공과대학 광공학과)
  • Received : 2015.05.27
  • Accepted : 2015.06.21
  • Published : 2015.06.30


High-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) is generated from a nuclear burst at high altitudes above the Earth, the electromagnetic fields reach the ground nearly simultaneously with regard to the operation time of systems. The aim of this analysis is to inquire about HEMP characteristics and to analyze about effect in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. Specifically, HEMP characteristics are classified field sources, spatial coverage, time domain behavior, frequency spectrum and field intensities in this study. Bits error rate (BER) of the receiver with the software simulation is confirmed for the HEMP effect. Q-factor made a difference about interference duration by transfer characteristics of system. When Q factor is smaller, the recovery time from HEMP interference is short. To the contrary, if the Q factor is larger, the recovery duration is lasted longer by 300-600%.

본 연구는 지구의 높은 고도에서 핵폭발로 발생된 HEMP (high-altitude electromagnetic pulse)가 발생 즉시 지면에 도달하면서 OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) 시스템에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. HEMP가 미치는 영향은 BER (bit error rate) 특성으로 확인한다. 시스템의 Q-factor로 인해 간섭 영향의 지속시간이 변화가 발생한다. Q값이 작으면, 간섭으로부터의 회복이 빠르고, Q값이 크면 영향을 받는 지속시간이 길어져 회복이 300~600%까지 늦어짐을 확인하였다.



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