Scytalidium parasiticum sp. nov., a New Species Parasitizing on Ganoderma boninense Isolated from Oil Palm in Peninsular Malaysia

  • Goh, Yit Kheng (Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn Bhd) ;
  • Goh, Teik Khiang (School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Integrative Sciences and Technology, Quest International University Perak) ;
  • Marzuki, Nurul Fadhilah (Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn Bhd) ;
  • Tung, Hun Jiat (Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn Bhd (AAR) - University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) Biotechnology Research Centre) ;
  • Goh, You Keng (Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn Bhd) ;
  • Goh, Kah Joo (Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn Bhd)
  • 투고 : 2014.12.12
  • 심사 : 2015.04.17
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


A mycoparasite, Scytalidium parasiticum sp. nov., isolated from the basidiomata of Ganoderma boninense causing basal stem rot of oil palm in Johor, Malaysia, is described and illustrated. It is distinct from other Scytalidium species in having smaller asci and ascospores (teleomorphic stage), longer arthroconidia (anamorphic stage), hyaline to yellowish chlamydospores, and producing a fluorescent pigment. The phylogenetic position of S. parasiticum was determined by sequence analyses of the internal transcribed spacers and the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene regions. A key to identify Scytalidium species with teleomorphic stage is provided.



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