Study on Calculation Methodology for National Aviation Safety Cost

국가항공안전비용 산출방법론에 관한 연구

  • 송기한 (한국교통연구원 항공교통본부) ;
  • 이대겸 (한국교통연구원 항공교통본부)
  • Received : 2015.04.22
  • Accepted : 2015.05.15
  • Published : 2015.06.30


The world air transport industry has grown steadily with quantitative expansion. The volume of air transport in the world is skyrocketing with the open-sky trend. Air passengers from or to South Korea has shown 5% of annual growth for the last couple of decades which caused South Korea now ranking in 18th in the World for air transport market size. Quantitative expansion of Air transport affects in policy making of air transport operators, such as airports, airlines or authorities, directly and indirectly. Especially, Aviation Safety field should be supported by policy regime with the growth of air transport volume, assured resources for continuous monitoring is standing out as a vital factor. This study is to estimate social costs caused by aviation accidents and investment costs for aviation safety by airports, airlines and authorities as operators. Estimated investment costs for aviation safety verified by comparing and analysing them. Precedent studies were reviewed to refer research methodology to calculate aviation accident costs and safety costs of operators. Safety costs of operators was calculated with literature researches and interview surveys among professionals of each operators in rational range.



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