Characteristics of Stabilization and Adsorption of Heavy Metal (As3+, Cr6+) by Modified Activated Carbon

표면 개질 활성탄에 의한 중금속(As3+, Cr6+) 흡착 및 안정화 특성

  • Shin, Woo-Seok (Institute of Marine Science and Technology Research, Hankyong National University) ;
  • Na, Kyu-Ri (Institute of Marine Science and Technology Research, Hankyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Kee (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hankyong Natinal University)
  • 신우석 (한경대학교 해양과학기술연구센터) ;
  • 나규리 (한경대학교 해양과학기술연구센터) ;
  • 김영기 (한경대학교 화학공학과)
  • Received : 2015.04.13
  • Accepted : 2015.05.28
  • Published : 2015.06.30


In this study, the adsorption efficiency of mixed heavy metals in aqueous solution was investigated using modified activated carbon. Moreover, the heavy-metal stabilization treatment of contaminated marine sediment was achieved using modified activated carbon as stabilizing agents. From the experimental results, it was shown that the adsorption equilibrium was attained after 120 mins. Heavy metal adsorption was characterized using Freundlich and Langmuir equations. The equilibrium adsorption data were fitted well to the Langmuir model in modified activated carbon. The adsorption uptake of $As^{3+}$ (28.47 mg/g) was higher than $Cr^{6+}$ (13.28 mg/g). In case of the $Cr^{6+}$, the results showed that adsorption uptake decreased with increasing pH from 6 to 10. However, adsorption of $As^{3+}$ slightly increased in the increasing change of pH. The modified activated carbon was applied for a wet-curing duration of 120 days. From the sequential extraction results, the exchangeable, carbonate, and oxides fractions of Cr and As in sediment decreased by 5.8% and 7.6%, respectively.

본 연구에서는 표면개질 활성탄을 이용하여 수용액상에서 혼합 중금속($Cr^{6+}$, $As^{3+}$)의 흡착능을 평가하였고 또한 표면개질 활성탄을 안정화제로 활용하여 해양오염퇴적물 내 As 및 Cr에 대하여 중금속 안정화 실험을 수행하였다. 실험결과, 흡착평형은 약 120분 후에 도달하였다. 또한, 중금속 등온 흡착 특성은 Freundlich 및 Langmuir 방정식을 이용하여 해석하였으며, 평형흡착 실험결과는 Langmuir 모델에 잘 부합되었고 $As^{3+}$ (28.47 mg/g)가 $Cr^{6+}$ (13.28 mg/g)보다 평형 흡착량이 많았다. $Cr^{6+}$인 경우, 용액의 pH가 6에서 10으로 증가함에 따라서 흡착량은 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 pH 증가 변화에서 $As^{3+}$의 흡착량은 미미한 증가를 보였다. 안정화 방법은 오염퇴적물에 표면 개질한 활성탄 첨가 후 120일간 습윤 양생 하였다. 연속추출 실험결과로부터, 미처리 오염퇴적물과 비교해서 Cr 및 As의 이온교환, 탄산염, 산화물 및 유기물 존재 형태 합의 비는 각각 5.8% 및 7.6% 감소하였다.



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