The Relationship between Temperature Patterns and Urban Morfometri in the Jakarta City, Indonesia

  • Maru, Rosmini (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Makassar) ;
  • Ahmad, Shaharuddin (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi)
  • 투고 : 2014.07.14
  • 심사 : 2015.02.14
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


Sky View Factor (SVF) is one of the urban morfometri parameters that impact on the Urban Heat Island (UHI). SVF analisys was conducted in the city of Jakarta to investigate the relationship between urban temperature with urban morfometri. Jakarta City is the most populous city in the world that has a surrounding area $66,152km^2$ and the total population around 23 million people. The population of the city is the sixth highest in the world today. SVF measurements done by taking pictures at the six stations that have different morphological characteristics namely (1) the narrow streets Apartment Cempaka Mas (JS ITC), (2) the width of the road Apartment Cempaka Mas (JL ITC), (3) in front of Colleges Kanisius (DKK), (4) in front of office Journalist of Indonesia (DKWI), (5) Utan Kayu (UK), and (6) Tambun (TB). SVF value is obtained from the photgraphic image. Taking pictures at the location using a Nikon D90 camera with a Nikon Fisheye Nikkor 10.5 mm 1 : 2.8 G ED, further processed through a global mapper program. Therefore, the SVF derived from the six stations that vary 0.21 to 0.78. Temperature measurement is done during daylight hours from 06:00 am to 18:00 pm during the Western Part of Indonesia (WIB). Measurements performed at three different times, namely working days (HK) regular holidays (HCB) national holidays (HCN). The results showed that the highest average temperature of $33.32^{\circ}C$, occurring at UK station (SVF=0.45) at the time of HCB. Meanwhile, the average low temperature of $31.22^{\circ}C$ occurred at JLITC station (SVF=0.42). The two-time occurred on ordinary holidays. Maximum temperature of $38.4^{\circ}C$ occurred in Utan Kayu station (SFV=0.45) that occurred at 11.00 hrs, normal holidays. Furthermore minimum temperature 24.5 occurred at Tambun station (SVF=0.78) at 06.00 hrs in the morning at the usual holidays and national holidays. In general, the results showed that areas with large SVF has a lower temperature compared with areas with smaller SVF. Though, are not the only factors that matter, but this research may show that an increase in temperature in the city of Jakarta. Therefore, it is necessary to mitigate the serious from the government or society.



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