위성 전파탑재체 핵심기술 연구

  • 이상규 (한국항공우주연구원 위성탑재체연구단) ;
  • 유상범 (한국항공우주연구원 위성탑재체연구단) ;
  • 용상순 (한국항공우주연구원 위성탑재체연구단)
  • 발행 : 2015.04.25




  1. 우주개발 중장기계획, 2013. 11.
  2. Enrico Flamini, Stephen Wall, and W. T. K. Johnson, "Cassini Radar: Expectations and Results After Three Years of Operations," 2008 IEEE Radar Conference, Rome, Italy, 26-30 May 2008.
  3. Ramanujam, P., Law, P. H., Lane, S. O., "Multi-beam reflector with a simple beamforming network," US Patent #6366256, 2000.
  4. Gerhard Krieger, Nicolas Gebert and Alberto Moreira, "Multidimensional Waveform Encoding: A New Digital Beamforming Technique for Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing," IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 1, Jan. 2008.
  5. Alok Chatterjee and Paul Rosen, "NASA-ISRO SAR Collaboration," [online] http://trs-new.jpl.nasa.gov
  6. NASA, "Systems Engineering Handbook," NASA/SP-2007-6105, Dec. 2007.
  7. ESA, "Earth explorer 7 candidate mission CoReH2O: Addendum to the report for mission selection," EE7 Delta Report, Jan., 2013.