Electroencephalographic Characteristics of Alcohol Dependent Patients : 3-Dimensional Source Localization

알코올 의존 환자군의 뇌파 특성 : 3차원적 신호원 국소화

  • Seo, Sangchul (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Im, Sungjin (Yesarang Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Gu (Yesarang Hospital) ;
  • Shin, Chul-Jin (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University)
  • 서상철 (충북대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실) ;
  • 임성진 (예사랑병원) ;
  • 이상구 (예사랑병원) ;
  • 신철진 (충북대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실)
  • Received : 2015.01.30
  • Accepted : 2015.05.14
  • Published : 2015.05.31


Objectives The power spectral analysis of electroencephalogram has been widely used to reveal the pathophysiology of the alcoholic brain. However, the results were not consistent and the three dimensional study can be hardly found. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of the three dimensional electroencephalographic (EEG) activity of alcohol dependent patients using standardized low resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA). Methods The participants consisted of 30 alcohol dependent patients and 30 normal healthy controls. All the participants were males who had refrained from alcohol at least one month and were not taking any medications. Thirty two channel EEG data was collected in the resting state with eyes-closed condition during 30 seconds. The three dimensional data was compared between two groups using sLORETA for delta, theta, alpha, beta1, beta2, and beta3 frequency bands. Results sLORETA revealed significantly increased brain cortical activity in alpha, beta1, beta2, and beta3 bands each in alcohol dependent patients compared to normal controls. The voxels showing the maximum significance were in the left transverse temporal gyrus, left superior temporal gyrus, left anterior cingulate, and left fusiform gyrus in alpha, beta1, beta2, and beta3 bands respectively. Conclusions These results suggest that chronic alcohol intake may cause neurophysiological changes in cerebral activity. Therefore, the measuring of EEG can be helpful in understanding the pathophysiology of cognitive impairements in alcohol dependence.



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