Social Network Service 수용 후 사용회피에 관한 연구: 페이스북 사용자를 중심으로

A Study on the Avoidance Intention of Social Network Service in Post Adoption Context: Focusing on the Facebook User

  • 박경자 (순천대학교 중소기업경영연구소)
  • 투고 : 2015.01.30
  • 심사 : 2015.03.17
  • 발행 : 2015.03.31


Why people reduce or stop using social network services(SNS), which are regarded as a mean of relationship and communication, unlike the early trend? To explain the phenomenon, this study tries to predict psychological decision making process of users from perspectives of cognitive dissonance theory. From this perspective, this study attempted an integrative approach that reflected 'User's literacy' indicating the ability of individuals to use SNS, and 'negative mass media influence' such as media reports on side effects or the bad experiences of acquaintances, along with the 3 factors used in the SNS Prior research. This study conducted an empirical analysis by surveying 256 facebook users, and the major findings are as follows:- First, Social-overload, complexity, uncertainty and negative media influence are significantly affect dissonance on the use of SNS. Second, Dissonance on the use of SNS significantly affects the behavior that possibly reduces and limits the use of SNS. In other words, the users who have experienced psychological dissonance respond passively by avoiding the use of SNS to resolve the dissonance. Third, the moderating effect of User's literacy wasn't a significant. This study presents a clue to understand psychological decision making process of use of SNS and a guideline for establishing practical strategies. In addition, it is important to note that this study contributes to expansion of theoretical discussion about usage.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexistence of Social Network Service vol.15, pp.5, 2015,