Factors Defining Store Atmospherics in Convenience Stores: An Analytical Study of Delhi Malls in India

  • 투고 : 2015.07.17
  • 심사 : 2015.08.10
  • 발행 : 2015.08.30


This research paper has been attempted to inventory the atmospheric factors, contributing to better sales. Exploratory study was undertaken to identify various signs of store atmospherics variables that influence the buying behaviour of buyers. Thirty-four variables identified from this study were used to create a structured questionnaire. This questionnaire was then administered among shoppers in NCR Delhi using non-probability convenience sampling. To determine the atmospheric factors, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) along with Varimax Rotation was attempted. Using principal component factor analysis on the data collected, nine factors were identified to have impact on the store atmospheric. These were Querulous, Music, Sensitive, Budget Seeker, Sensuous, Light, Idler, Space seeker and Comfort Seeker. Contrary to the various earlier studies where music, space seeker and comfort seeker were considered to be most significant factors, light and querulous have emerged out to be the major factor that influences the store atmospheric. This study shows that customers are sensitive, space seekers and sensuous. Constituents of these factors reveal distinct patterns. This research may be used as guidelines for development and management of shopping malls in emerging countries. Retail marketers in India can take this cue in designing their strategies to attract consumers.


피인용 문헌

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